Willowbrook Water and Sanitation District


Working Together Towards a Common Goal

Utilities Inquiry & Online Bill Payment

To login and view your account or to pay your bill, please click the link below.

Construction Notice

A water main replacement project by the Willowbrook Water & Sanitation District is scheduled to be performed this spring and summer in the Harriman Park/Trappers Glen subdivisions.


We are proud to offer services to assist our customers in their questions pertaining to rates, drought restrictions, and ways we can all conserve.

2022 Consumer Confidence Report



water drop

Conservation Tips

water waves

Main Break Info


Plumbing Tips


Fees & Surcharges

watering can

Outdoor Watering Rules



Summer Watering Rules

In response to the Stage 1 drought declaration, Denver Water, and thus Willowbrook Water & Sanitation, is asking its customers to reduce outdoor watering and follow the standard annual watering rules:


Water no more than three days per week (there are no assigned days).

Do not water lawns between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Do not waste water by allowing it to pool in gutters, streets and alleys.

Do not waste water by letting it spray on concrete and asphalt.

Repair leaking sprinkler systems within 10 days.

Do not water while it is raining or during high winds.

ocean water

Facts & Figures

  • Nearly 97% of the world’s water is salty or otherwise undrinkable? Another 2% is locked in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves just 1% for all of humanity’s needs (agricultural, manufacturing, community and personal household needs). 
  • It can take up to 45 minutes for a water supplier to produce one glass of drinking water. 
  • The most common substance found on earth is water.  Water is the only substance found naturally in three forms:  solid, liquid and gas. 
  • The average humidity for Colorado, measured at noon, is 38%. 
  • Four quarts of oil can cause an eight-acre oil slick if spilled or dumped down a storm sewer! 

Emergency Response

In the event of a water or wastewater emergency, contact the District office at 303-986-2275. Please press 1 anytime during the recorded message for 24-hour emergency response.