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District Requirements

Construction of Public Waters & Sewer Mains 
  • It shall be a violation of District policy for any person to construct a water and/or sanitary sewer main within the jurisdiction of the Board without first having an executed Conveyance and Acceptance form.
  • All water and sewer main extensions within the jurisdiction of the Board shall be made under the supervision of the District Engineer in accordance with the District’s specifications.
  • Those areas of the District located west of Simms Street to the hogback are subject to specific bedding and pipe material requirements as detailed in District construction specifications.
  • A Performance and Maintenance Bond equal to 100% of the contract (or construction cost) shall be furnished by the contractor to the District on all water and sewer main construction in the District.
Water System Requirements 
  • All plans for water main extensions, improvements and changes shall be submitted to the District Engineer.  All plans must be reviewed by the District Manager and the Denver Water Department.
  • No taps will be allowed, nor tap permits issued, until construction has been preliminarily accepted by the District.
  • Plans to be reviewed must be accompanied by a minimum of six (6) sets of the recorded plat(s).  Two copies shall be retained by the District Manager, one copy delivered to the District Engineer, one copy delivered to the District’s Attorney, and two copies delivered to the Denver Water Department.
  • If any water main is to be constructed outside of a public right-of-way, the construction plans must be accompanied by a request for acceptance of a water easement in accordance with Article XX of these specifications.
  • A pre-construction meeting must be arranged by the contractor and held prior to the start of any work.  The District Engineer, District Manager, contractor, and owner or owner's engineer must be represented at this meeting.  The meeting shall be held at the District office at 9850B West Girton Drive, Lakewood, CO  80227 or at such place as the District Manager shall direct.
  • All contractors must notify the District Engineer and District Manager at least 48 hours prior to the start of construction.
  • Approved plans and a copy of the specifications must be kept on the job site by the contractor at all times.
  • Cross connection control shall be enforced in accordance with the Colorado State Department of Health's publication entitled, "Cross Connection Control", latest revision.
  • No work shall be backfilled (including bedding material above the springline of the pipe) until construction has been reviewed for compliance by the District Engineer.
Sewer System Requirements 
  • All plans for sewer main extensions, improvements and revisions shall be submitted to the District Engineer.  All plans must be reviewed by the District Manager and the District Engineer.
  • No taps will be allowed, nor tap permits issued, until construction has been preliminarily accepted by the District or approved for preliminary acceptance by the District Engineer.
  • Plans to be reviewed must be accompanied by four (4) sets of the recorded plat(s).  Two copies shall be retained by the District Manager, One copy delivered to the District Engineer and one copy delivered to the District’s Attorney.
  • If any sewer main is to be constructed outside of a public right-of-way, the construction plans must be accompanied by a request for acceptance of a sewer easement in accordance with Article XXI of these specifications.
  • A pre-construction meeting must be arranged by the contractor and held prior to the start of any work.  The District Engineer, District Manager, contractor and owner or owner's engineer must be represented at this meeting.  The meeting shall be held at the District office at 9850B W. Girton Dr., Lakewood, Colorado 80227, or at such place as the District Manager shall direct.
  • All contractors must notify the District Engineer and District Manager at least 48 hours prior to the start of construction.
  • Approved plans and a copy of the specifications must be kept on the job site by the contractor at all times.  The contractor shall maintain a marked up set of plans showing any variations of the contract drawings.  These as-built drawings shall be presented to the District Engineer prior to final testing and acceptance of the sewer line.
  • No work shall be backfilled (including bedding material above the springline of the pipe) until construction has been reviewed for compliance by the District Engineer.
Use of Public Water & Sewer Systems 
  • The observation fee for water and sewer main connections shall be as provided on the attached  Schedule of Fees. No work shall start until all District fees have been paid.  No work shall start until the District office has been properly notified.
  • All cost and expense incidental to the installation and connection of the water or sewer service shall be borne by the landowner, subdivider or developer who shall indemnify the Board for any loss, damage, or attorney’s fees that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the water or sewer service.  No inspections, field testing, construction observation or other work shall be done by the District on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays unless permission is granted by the District Manager.
  • The owner of the house, apartment or buildings of any nature shall be responsible for repair and upkeep of the sewer or water service lines from the street side of the meter pit to the structure in cases of water service, and from the main to the structure in cases of sewer service.
  • The water service line shall be soft type K copper.  Fittings shall be brass or copper alloy.  Where meters are to be set in driveways, parking lots or other paved areas, prior approval will be required.  Connections shall be by "flared" methods.
  • The sewer service line shall be PVC pipe with push on joints or any other material approved by the Board of Directors, subject to the limitations of the Uniform Plumbing Code requirements. The line shall be watertight and on a constant grade in a straight line, and not closer than five horizontal feet from any bearing wall, except where it exits the building.
  • The water service shall be brought to the building at an elevation that will allow a minimum of four and one-half feet of cover over the top of the pipe.  No service shall be laid parallel to or within five horizontal feet of any bearing wall. The water service line shall generally be laid at a uniform grade and in a straight and continuous line.  In those cases where, due to the length of the service line, it is impossible to have a service line without a joint, the jointing method will be submitted for review by the District.
  • All excavations required for the installation of a water or sewer service shall be open trench work unless otherwise approved.  Pipe laying and backfill shall be performed in accordance with the standard specifications adopted by the Denver Board of Water Commissioners and the District.
  • The applicant for the building water and/or sewer service permit shall notify the District when the service is ready for inspection and connection.  (Note:  the District should also inspect this connection). The work on water or sewer service lines shall be done by approved plumbers or utilities contractors subject to District inspection, but plumbing work contracted for by an approved plumber may be performed by him through journeyman plumbers or apprentices under his direct supervision but must meet the Colorado State Department of Health's Technical Plumbing Code.
  • Revocation of Plumber's or Utility Contractor's Approval:  The violation of any of these Rules and Regulations or the District's installation specifications shall constitute sufficient grounds for revocation of the plumber's or utility contractor's right to continue to work within the District.  Whenever it appears a violation has been committed, the plumber or utility contractor shall be sent written notice of hearing.
  • All water and sewer service lines installed within the area under jurisdiction of the Board shall be done only by approved plumbers and contractors with applicable licenses to do work within the area.  Liability insurance shall be carried in sufficient amounts to protect the District against any and all claims that may be occasioned by the work of the plumber or contractor.  Worker's Compensation Insurance shall be carried in accordance with the provisions of the State of Colorado.
  • All contractors, plumbers and others doing work on any water or sewer main, service lines or structures in the District shall comply with applicable District, Jefferson County, Denver or State Highway Department regulations on excavation, backfill, compaction and restoration or surfacing.
  • All construction work and materials shall meet the standards and specifications of the Willowbrook Water and Sanitation District, The Metro Water Recovery, the Denver Board of Water Commissioners and the Technical Plumbing and Building Codes of the Colorado Department of Public  Health and Environment.  The District's specifications may be obtained at the office of the District Engineer.  The District's specifications may be more strict than those of other regulatory agencies and shall govern in instances of conflict.
  • All permits, fees and licenses shall be paid for by the contractor, plumber or others doing work in the District prior to the start of construction.
  • All construction of sewer and water facilities shall be adequately guarded with barricades and lights so as to protect the public from hazard.  Street, sidewalks, parkways and other public or private property disturbed in the course of the work shall be restored in a manner satisfactory to the District within a reasonable time.
  • Swimming Pools and Hot Tubs:  No public or private swimming pool or hot tub drain shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system.  The District does not allow discharge from a swimming pool or a hot tub into it's sanitary sewer system except for filter system effluent as approved on an individual basis.
  • The District shall not allow any sub-drain, foundation or groundwater system to be installed within it's water or sewer line trenches and will not allow any drainage system to be connected to it's water or sewer system (bedding, trench) or water or sewer lines in any manner whatsoever.
  • It shall be unlawful for anyone to discharge any waste or byproducts into the sanitary sewer system other than normal effluent. Anyone desiring to discharge other than normal effluent, as defined by Metro Water Recovery, shall be required to obtain a special permit from the District. Instances of special permits include discharge of toxic materials, purging of mobile home holding tanks, dumping of used oils, paint, gasoline, solvents and other petroleum based products.
Application for Services & Charges 
  • All properties requiring water and sewer service shall pay the applicable fees charged by Denver, the Lakehurst Water and Sanitation District, the Metro Water Recovery and the District.
  • Special Water Service through Fire Hydrants:  If temporary water service is supplied through a fire hydrant, a permit for the use of the hydrant shall be obtained from the District by application.  A deposit will be required to cover water meter and fire hydrant damage and estimated water bill.  All special contracts using water through fire hydrants shall desist during the duration of any fire in the District, or upon request by the District for any reason.
  • All hydrant water users shall have a permit from the District.  All water used from hydrants will be metered or billed per load. Any damage to the hydrant meter or District property will be paid for by the permittee.  All hoses and connections shall be accordance with Colorado Health Department criteria.
  • Sewer Services  -  General:  No connection to a Willowbrook Water and Sanitation District owned sewer main, or approved stub out, shall be allowed prior to the purchase of a District tap permit and payment of appropriate Metro Water Recovery fees.  Sewer service lines shall be installed in a separate trench, maintaining a ten-foot horizontal separation from the water service line.  All sewer service installation shall be in accordance with the specifications of the Willowbrook Water and Sanitation District, Uniform Plumbing and Building Codes, Metro Water Recovery and Jefferson County Building Department.
  • Tap permits and/or physical connection permits will not be allowed prior to District preliminary acceptance of the sewer main to be tapped.
Sewer Service Ownership & Maintenance 

Ownership - The sewer service line, including the connection to the District's main, shall be owned by and installed at the expense of the owner of the property to be served.

Inspections - No taps or connections will be allowed to the District's mains unless a District representative is present to inspect the connection. Dye tests will be required on all sewer service connections. Subject to Section 602, no inspections will be made unless a 24-hour notice during normal business hours has been received by the District.  All taps must be made in accordance with District specifications.

Grease Traps - In all cases where grease traps or other filtering processes are required to be inspected, the owner and/or operator shall maintain a log, signed by the contractor, of each time the device is cleaned and/or maintained.  This log shall be available for inspection by the District.  All grease traps shall be cleaned with sufficient regularity to prevent grease buildup in the District's sewer system.  Failure to adequately maintain a grease trap or other filtering device, which results in grease buildups in the District's sewer system, will result in the District charging the offending property owner/tenant the cost of cleaning the affected sewer mains.

Sump Pump - No sump pump shall be connected or discharged into the sanitary sewer system. The District may require inspection of all SUMP pumps to insure proper installation and daylighting.